The Project

The Near Food Project, beginning in National City, is helping communities to initiate and maintain accessibility to food sources, while exploring how others in surrounding communities have created their own community gardens

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Magnolia Garden

Originally intended for the students of the adjacent school, this garden has become community rented and maintained.  On about an acre, the twenty-five plots are very large (about 25' X 25').  The garden is closed to the public.

Summers Past Garden

This well-maintained garden is very large with a great lawn in the back. There are herbs, soaps, succulents, and lattes for sale at this community oriented garden.  Picnics on the lawn are welcome.  In a private section to the west, the herbs and succulents are grown.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cuyamaca Water Conservation Garden

Located in Rancho San Diego on the Cuyamaca College campus, this garden is extensive.  It is a teaching garden for the horticulture and landscape design students. It has a water recycling system and a "surprise" motion activated water feature.  It is open to the public daily with a suggested donation of $4 for adults.

Stein Family Farm

Located in National City, this garden is large, complete with an orchard. The plots, about 5' X 12', are well organized and bountiful.  The garden is open to the public Saturdays only.

Golden Hill Community Garden

Really close to downtown, this beautiful garden is located in Golden Hill.  There are about thirty plots that are 12' X 4'.  There is a composting area and a storage shed.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Seeds at City Garden

This large garden is located on the San Diego City College campus. It is open to the public, but it is principally for students.  There are no designated plots, so you basically choose a spot available and work on it.

The World Beat Community Garden

This is a small community garden located on the very end south side of Balboa Park.  It has five plots which are 6'x9'.  It has one corn field that is 15'x24'.  This garden is open to the public.